Investment Information

Welcome to GeNi LLC., the visionary venture founded by former NFL offensive lineman George Asafo-Adjei. Fueled by a profound passion to spread love and contribute to the world, George is taking his success beyond the football field. GeNi LLC. stands as a powerhouse holding company, pioneering transformative systems and technologies. Explore our diverse portfolio, from Groov Club, an exclusive on-demand service booking app for high-profile clients—to GeNi Meals, a premium meal subscription service connecting you with fresh, warm delights from top-rated restaurants. Dive into fashion with GeNi Clothing store, showcasing George’s iconic lines like Warrior, OT (Overtime), and more. Join us in the pursuit of revolutionizing lifestyles and embracing a world where innovation meets compassion.

GeNi LLC. Revenue Share Information Sheet


Unlocking Opportunities for Mutual Success


Investment Packages:



1. Winners Package ($20,000):
    •    Duration: 3 Years
    •    Profit Share: 3% of all profits from GeNi LLC. companies
    •    Exclusive Updates: Regular insights into company developments
    •    Recognition: Listed as a Winners Package Investor on GeNi LLC. platforms

2. Elite Winners Package ($50,000):
    •    Duration: 5 Years
    •    Profit Share: 5% of all profits from GeNi LLC. companies
    •    VIP Access: Invitations to exclusive events and product launches
    •    Priority Support: Dedicated customer service for Elite Winners
    •    Recognition: Prominent acknowledgment on GeNi LLC. platforms

3.    The Ballers Club Package ($70,000):
    •    Duration: 7 Years
    •    Profit Share: 7% of all profits from GeNi LLC. companies
    •    VIP Perks: Access to limited-edition merchandise and experiences
    •    Personal Connection: Quarterly calls with George Asafo-Adjei for insights
    •    Recognition: Featured prominently as a Ballers Club member


Why Invest in GeNi LLC.?

    • Visionary Leadership: Led by former NFL offensive lineman George Asafo-Adjei, GeNi LLC. is committed to revolutionizing industries and making a positive impact on a global scale.
    • Diverse Portfolio: GeNi LLC. encompasses various companies, from high-profile service booking with Groov Club to health-conscious meal subscriptions with GeNi Meals, and exclusive fashion lines in the GeNi Clothing store.
    • Transparent Revenue Sharing: Choose a package that aligns with your investment goals and enjoy a direct share of profits from all GeNi LLC. companies.


How to Invest:

    1.    Select your preferred package: Winners, Elite Winners, or The Ballers Club.
    2.    Complete the investment process securely on the GeNi LLC. platform.
    3.    Receive regular updates, enjoy exclusive perks, and watch your investment grow with the success of GeNi LLC. companies.

Join George Asafo-Adjei in the journey to transform industries and share in the success of GeNi LLC. Invest today and be part of a community committed to positive change.

Here’s a list of 7 out of 17 of the upcoming companies under GeNi LLC. with a brief description for each:
(Contact Us for more information regarding all of the companies under GeNi LLC.)

1. STEP Class: STEP is a comprehensive program aiming to provide educational support and advancement opportunities for students across various academic levels.
2. GAFL (Greater American Football League): The Greater American Football League (GAFL) is a Football league that seeks to provide top athletes, former college and professional Football players, and Football fans with an exciting and unique Football experience.

3. Team Spirit App: An app designed to enhance team collaboration and spirit, providing an app for effective tracking and goal setting, and fostering a positive gym team culture.

4. GeNi Garden Boxes: GeNi Garden Boxes introduces a sustainable and user-friendly solution for urban gardening, empowering individuals to grow fresh produce at home.

5. GeNi Restoration Program & Houses: Focused on community development, this program seeks to restore and revitalize neighborhoods through sustainable housing projects, creating vibrant and inclusive living spaces.

6. GeNi Care Center: GeNi Care Center is dedicated to promoting mental/physical health and well-being, offering a range of services and resources to support struggling individuals and families in building better lives.

7. AHDT (Armor Home Defense Technologies): AHDT is at the forefront of home security innovation, providing state-of-the-art technologies and solutions to ensure the safety and protection of homes and families.

Each of these ventures reflects GeNi LLC.‘s commitment to diverse and impactful initiatives, combining innovation and compassion to make a positive difference in various aspects of people’s lives.
